have you ever heard this quote?
"everything has been figured out, except how to live."
i forget who said this, but i do think that maybe we should be taught about how to live...especially about how we doing our things in present without dwell on our past.
i know maybe it sounds lame, but really, i cant help to thought and wondered about my past like, anytime!
i know, i know, it's the past. it's unchangeable. and all you gotta do is move on. yes, been heard about that too.
but how we know if the past is unchangeable or not?how can we be so sure about that?what if we can change the end of our story?isn't our story is still transpires until now?
and how come we really move on from someone that we loved?how can we lose our feelings just like that?what if the feeling, instead of fade away, remains grow and grow everyday?
am i stupid or retarded to have this feeling grow?am i different from anyone else?
fuh, maybe the cliche answer or the only one answer about my questions is..TIME. time will tell. time always tell. i just have to wait, haven't i?